Steer Clear: 5 Common Financial Planning Mistakes to Avoid

I’m not a player* But I’ll bet that you’ve heard numerous financial advice pieces that will tell you what you ought to do. What are the mistakes you should avoid?

man in white dress shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses

Important: As a complete service client, we’ll assist you to avoid them on the route. Therefore, for you, there’s not a need to read further — unless you’re eager to know more about it so that you can recommend these strategies with colleagues, friends or relatives, of course! If you’re contemplating a cash decision, I’d suggest to contact me, send me an email or text me, or set an opportunity to discuss it with a friend.

On this post, I’ll highlight five major financial planning traps and direct you to resources that can guide you to the right path. Be aware when you read these posts that they can be common mistakes to stay clear of. They aren’t for every person, and different motivations could lead some people towards these options in the best of ways. It’s possible that they’re not actually pitfalls in the slightest, but more like stepping stones towards achieving financial goals, or not.


Whether you call it your emergency/opportunity fund or your uh-oh fund, cash in your high-yield savings account is your financial foundation. It’s true that the foundation may get damaged and require repair periodically. It is always better to repair them as soon as you can before structural problems start to set in. Your emergency/opportunity fund is there to support you. It is important to inspect it every now and then so that you can ensure that it remains in good order.

Then, you can get the “free money!” If this doesn’t make sense take a look at the adventure guide to help you plan the contributions.

Then there are IRAs along with Health savings accounts (HSAs). Backdoor Roths appear to be the talk of the town this year, as that door may be closing and you are able to find out more information here. Also, don’t ignore the high-deductible health insurance plan HDHP due to the high deductible portion. Take a look at the maximum out-of-pocket costs, and consider your options and use to determine if you can make savings.


Most of the time, the reason to repay the debt isn’t a financial one. However, not all debts are bad debt. If you possess “bad” debt, choose an approach to pay down that is suitable for your needs.

As I mentioned about financing for autos In 5 Reasons you’ll love Savings Crease, “Even if you can purchase your next car by cash, you should consider looking at rates of interest. If you see an interest rate that is significantly lower than the amount you could reasonably expect to earn from your savings account, you could opt to finance the vehicle and invest more than your down payment for an overall better return.”

It’s“cheap” debt: If you’re paying between a couple and a few or morepercentage points less interest than you’d earn if you invested your funds instead. Don’t forget to consider how you can keep your accounts open while making timely payments could positively impact the credit rating.


A lot of us have learned in the years 2020-2021 when we have to put our lives put off sometimes. Don’t forget the second portion of “Work hard, play hard”! Therefore, make that plan for your vacation as soon as you are able to. There’s a reason many retirees make plans for vacations in those earlier retirement years, and the reason why more people are seeking financial freedom earlier in life, after all.

It doesn’t apply only for those “wants” on your list. If you’re planning on purchasing a house such as it’s possible to be missing out on the opportunity to build equity when you put it off.

You have towork long hours, and you are entitled to be able to enjoy the results of your work. If you’re in need of a push you to make a change, here’s the way to make sure you’re S.M.A.R.T.-er with your money goals.


In the event that you’ve earned an money surplus or you recently were promoted or your spending has increased due to another reason, that does not mean your spending must rise to meet. Get enthralled by the idea of savings and creep and not. Go to the final link for the step-by-step instructions.


If you’re just beginning on your journey towards financial freedom or have been looking forward to retirement for a long time, you need to factor into the things you’ll be doingonce you’ve made the goal. Don’t let your laborious work become boring. Think about what you’d be feeling if you crossed that final point only to discover you’re required to return again to work in order to keep the standard of living you had before retirement or to fund your new hobbies.

Are you a victim of some or all of these planning for your finances pitfalls? There’s a good chance to turn things around. The best way to begin is to allow yourself some grace. As human beings, we are all human and we make mistakes. We — FPFoCo – the royal FPFoCowe are here to help you get over it and continue to move forward.

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